
How Many Data Types Does Access Recognize

MS Access - Data Types

Every field in a table has properties and these properties define the field's characteristics and behavior. The well-nigh important property for a field is its data type. A field's data type determines what kind of data information technology tin can shop. MS Access supports different types of data, each with a specific purpose.

  • The data type determines the kind of the values that users can store in any given field.
  • Each field tin shop information consisting of only a single data blazon.

Here are some of the nigh mutual data types you will find used in a typical Microsoft Access database.

Type of Data Description Size
Curt Text Text or combinations of text and numbers, including numbers that do not require calculating (e.g. phone numbers). Up to 255 characters.
Long Text Lengthy text or combinations of text and numbers. Up to 63, 999 characters.
Number Numeric data used in mathematical calculations. 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes (sixteen bytes if gear up to Replication ID).
Date/Time Appointment and fourth dimension values for the years 100 through 9999. viii bytes
Currency Currency values and numeric data used in mathematical calculations involving data with i to four decimal places. eight bytes
AutoNumber A unique sequential (incremented past 1) number or random number assigned by Microsoft Access whenever a new record is added to a table. iv bytes (16 bytes if set to Replication ID).
Yes/No Aye and No values and fields that incorporate just 1 of 2 values (Aye/No, True/Imitation, or On/Off). 1 bit.
  • If you utilize previous versions of Access, yous volition discover a difference for two of those data types.

  • In Access 2013, we at present have 2 information types — short text and long text. In previous versions of Access these information types were chosen text and memo.

  • The text field is referred to as short text and your memo field is at present chosen long text.

Hither are some of the other more specialized data types, yous can choose from in Admission.

Information Types Clarification Size


Files, such equally digital photos. Multiple files can exist attached per record. This data type is not bachelor in earlier versions of Access.

Upwardly to about 2 GB.

OLE objects

OLE objects can store pictures, audio, video, or other BLOBs (Binary Large Objects)

Up to near ii GB.


Text or combinations of text and numbers stored equally text and used as a hyperlink address.

Up to 8,192 (each part of a Hyperlink data type can contain upward to 2048 characters).

Lookup Wizard

The Lookup Magician entry in the Data Type column in the Design view is not actually a information blazon. When you choose this entry, a sorcerer starts to help you define either a simple or circuitous lookup field.

A elementary lookup field uses the contents of another tabular array or a value list to validate the contents of a single value per row. A complex lookup field allows you to store multiple values of the same data type in each row.

Dependent on the data blazon of the lookup field.


You lot can create an expression that uses information from one or more fields. You lot can designate different result data types from the expression.

You can create an expression that uses data from one or more fields. Yous tin can designate different result data types from the expression.

These are all the dissimilar data types that you tin choose from when creating fields in a Microsoft Access table.

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How Many Data Types Does Access Recognize,


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